Making your Lawn a Tick-Free Zone with Benesafe Solutions®
Did you know that the majority of tick bites occur around the home and not from activities like hiking and camping?

The first step towards a tick-free lawn is to make the space less hospitable to ticks and wildlife that might carry ticks. Start by removing lawn debris like leaves, brush, or groundcover that might be harboring pests. Keep your grass short, ticks love hanging out in tall grass.
Applying Benesafe’s Yard and Garden Spray in your yard and garden from your house to the end of your property line will remove ticks and any larvae in your yard as well as repel them. Ticks often hitch rides into our homes and lawns on clothing and pets. It’s important to check yourself, pets, and clothing after exploring the outdoors. Deer ticks and other smaller ticks are the size of a pinhead. Take time and thoroughly check!
To properly inspect people and pets check the following areas:
-under the arms and armpits
-in, around, and behind the ears
-back of the neck along the hairline
-belly button
-between legs and crotch
-around waist
-in between toes and fingers
-for pets, around the snout, check to see if your pet is scratching in a specific place. If it looks like an unusual scratch, it could be a tick causing the itch.
The longer a tick stays attached, the higher the chances of contracting an illness or infection. To remove the tick wear gloves and use a tweezer. Grab the tick as close to the skin as possible without squeezing or damaging it. Once secured, remove the tick by pulling upwards. After removal clean the bite site with soap, water, and rubbing alcohol. If you experience a rash or swelling contact a physician or go to the local urgent care.
Tips on avoiding tick bites before hiking or camping:
- Tuck pants into socks (yes, wearing long pants and tall socks with boots is best) that will help prevent ticks from reaching the skin.
- Wear light-colored clothing, making ticks easier to see.
- Apply non-toxic repellents before exploring areas with tall grass or woods (from your head to your toes).
- Stay on trails. Trails in parks are there for a reason, once you go off-trail or even into the grassy areas next to the trail you are in danger of getting a hitchhiker on you (tick).